JW – Piu Fau Nui Haai (JW – 漂浮女孩) Lyrics

JW – Piu Fau Nui Haai (JW – 漂浮女孩)

English Translation


 被騙嗎 未嚇怕 沒有想過要出嫁
Bei pin ma mei haak pa moot yau seung gwoh yiu chut ga
Were you cheated? Do not be afraid,  as I have never thought about seeking marriage
放開他 還是有權微笑 不需要驚訝
Fong hoi ta waan si yau kuen mei siu bat sui yiu ging nga
Let go of him, you still have the rights to smile, you do not have to be surprised
沒有再 被記掛 問我怎會還想霸
Moot yau joi bei gei gwa man ngoh jam wooi waan seung ba
No longer do I miss, yet you ask me why do I keep holding on
我想講 無謂信奉前世 註定誰吧
Ngoh seung gong mo wai sun fung chin sai jue ding sui ba
I think it is pointless to believe in a past-life that has ordained someone right?
Gei bei pei ta do hoh yi suet chut hau
How cruel it is that he is able to utter it out for his mouth
Chan doh gei jeung jui yik naan gok dak juk gau
The more lips I kiss, the harder it is for me to feel satisfied
Ying yin han ji ho yuen chuen moot yat si fooi gau
still as proud as always, not even a single feeling of regret
還會懂得愛惜誰 自問無力灑淚
Waan wooi dung dak oi sik sui ji man mo lik sa lui
Who else would I know how to cherish, asking myself this while weeping without strength.
當初有很愛的誰 現在誰願心碎
Dong choh yau han oi dik sui yin joi sui yuen sam sui
At the beginning there is someone I love, yet right now who is willing to be upset?
才明白我清醒到 難更識趣
Choi ming baak ngoh ching sing do naan gang sik chui
Only then I realize that, it is hard to understand the interest of someone
Oi seung goh ha goh jui jung waan si yat yeung pei lui
Loving the previous one and the one after, you still end up being tired as always.

還會懂得愛惜誰 自問無力灑淚
Waan wooi dung dak oi sik sui ji man mo lik sa lui
當初有很愛的誰 現在誰願心碎
Dong choh yau han oi dik sui yin joi sui yuen sam sui
才明白我清醒到 難更識趣
Choi ming baak ngoh ching sing do naan gang sik chui
Oi seung goh ha goh jui jung waan si yat yeung pei lui


我結果可愛惜誰 臉上流露恐懼
Ngoh git gwoh hoh oi sik sui lim seung lau lo hung gui

Whoever it is that could be loved, my face is filled with fear
很想我可以想誰 可惜我連失戀也不鬧情緒
Han seung ngoh hoh yi seung sui hoh sik ngoh lin sat luen ya bat naau ching sui

I truly hope to think of something, but too bad I’m not willing to let my feelings be stirred even when I break up
無感覺定比空虛更空虛 吃飽氫氣飄出去
Mo gam gok ding bei hung hui gang hung hui hek baau hing hei piu chut hui

The lack of feelings is surely emptier than being empty, floating away with a bloated tummy

習慣了 便會笑 做個沒靈魂的殼
Jaap gwaan liu bin wooi siu jo goh moot ling wan dik hok

Smiling out of habit, like a spiritless coral
太輕巧 全部愛情能以 重力量度
Taai hing haau chuen bo oi ching nang yi chung lik leung do

It’s too light, all of love could be measured by weight

Repeat *

Repeat **

Repeat ***

纏綿後放手 只是程序 必須允許
Chin min hau fong sau ji si ching jui bit sui wan hui

Lingering after you let go, these are only procedures, that will surely permit
憑理性至活到這一歲 何苦為情落淚
Pang lei sing ji woot do je yat sui hoh foo wai ching lok lui

I’ve lived by the means of logic to this age, why should I fall in tear for the sake of love?

不曉得可愛惜誰 剩下全是考慮
Bat hiu dak hoh oi sik sui sing ha chuen si haau lui

I don’t know who to love, the rest would just be considerations
孤單了可以找誰 獨自承受焦慮
Goo daan liu hoh yi jaau sui duk ji sing sau jiu lui

I’m lonely to want to seek someone, and could take troubles alone
人麻木到將知覺 全數粉碎
Yan ma muk do jeung ji gok chuen so fan sui

I am numbed to awareness, now I’m totally broken
Boon ye yau moot yau po yung waan si yat yeung nang sui

I could sleep soundly even without hugs at night

我結果可愛惜誰 臉上流露恐懼
Ngoh git gwoh hoh oi sik sui lim seung lau lo hung gui

Whoever it is that could be loved, my face is filled with fear
很想我可以想誰 可惜我連失戀也不鬧情緒
Han seung ngoh hoh yi seung sui hoh sik ngoh lin sat luen ya bat naau ching sui

I truly hope to think of something, but too bad I’m not willing to let my feelings be stirred even when I break up
無感覺定比空虛更空虛 吃飽氫氣飄出去
Mo gam gok ding bei hung hui gang hung hui hek baau hing hei piu chut hui

The lack of feelings is surely emptier than being empty, floating away with a bloated tummy

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Posted on July 24, 2013, in Chinese, JW, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. i wanna know what this song mean?

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